What would you choose? Nikon D3000, Canon Rebel xs.?

I need a camera for a photography course in march
I can't choose a DSLR camera
it is a Digital Photography class so I need an slr

which would you choose
Nikon D300. Canon Rebel XS

I know only XS has Live view

Canon Rebel XS

Answer by Sujata on 31 Dec 2009 04:29:23
Best Answer

Go to a store and play with them. On paper, they're as capable as one another but you might find one's too cumbersome for your hands etc. It's how it feels in YOUR hands that's important.

If you buy the 'wrong' one based upon other peoples' opinions, you've just landed yourself with an uncomfortable camera. There isn't an image-quality issue nor one with accessories with the cameras you've listed.

Personally, I wouldn't choose either as both cameras are too small for my hands - they feel odd to hold and, especially with the Nikon, I find my fingers touch buttons when I don't want them to. But your hands aren't the same as mine.

Answer by Mick on 31 Dec 2009 05:29:40

Both are the same price. Both are excellent cameras with some features that are different. I listed some links below to websites, the 1st being a side by side listing of the 2 cameras so that you can compare features and specs, also this webpage listing has links to reviews of both cameras. These reviews include sample images from the cameras.

I also included some links to photo dealers for you to check out. Some dealers have some nice extras, free shipping is very common, and sometimes they are offering a free memory card and/or camera bag. Sometimes you have to click in the "add to cart" button to see the actual price.

I am a photo professor and for the digital class I teach, I can tell you that either of these cameras will do fine. Keep in mind that you will possibly need some other items if you do not have them already like, memory cards, camera bag (small ones can be $18 to $35), maybe a tripod, and maybe an extra battery. Feel free to contact me if you ever think I can be of help.

Hope this helps. Good luck.



Answer by Mark on 31 Dec 2009 11:36:07

the one that best fits your budget and feels comfortale in your hand.

Answer by S D on 01 Jan 2010 08:28:37

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