where can i buy a silicone camera case? i live in charlotte NC?

the jelly kind {{like a iphone case}}
i dont have the ccamera yet.. im buying it today..ive called best buy radio shack target..wolf camera none of those stores carry them..

Best Answer

You dont say which camera so I cant check anything positively. You can get silicone cases for most popular cameras at BestBuy, WalMart, Target, Kmart etc or at a camera store like Ritz or Wolf. Online theyre everywhere. Just Google "Silicone case for" and add your make and model.

Answer by KNDChicago on 30 Dec 2009 07:16:16

Ebay could deffinately work. like the previous answer said, include your make and model on the search box

Answer by CeCe on 30 Dec 2009 07:17:27

check with M-rock, they have tons of different camera cases. I bet they can help you

Answer by Leah on 30 Dec 2009 12:12:15

Try Amazon's Year End Deals [URL Truncated]

Answer by Kelly on 31 Dec 2009 02:18:38

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